IPEC Joint Working Groups Meeting

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Dear IPEC WG colleagues:


The next joint meeting of the PMD, advanced research, Plugfest and form factor working groups has been scheduled for January 14th from 10:00am-12:00pm Beijing time, you can use the link below to join the conference.


Please send any presentation requests to the respective working group chairs who will coordinate with me to finalize the meeting agenda. Please send me any other requests such as straw polls or motions. All requests and associated presentations must be received by the working group chairs and forwarded to me no later than end of day on January 12th so the agenda can be completed, and the meeting material uploaded to the IPEC website before the meeting. When providing any presentations please state who will be presenting and use the file naming convention we agreed being last name of presenter _ working group _ version _ date (YYMMDD). An example would be Issenhuth_PMD_01_211210.pdf


Tom Issenhuth

Chair, PMD Working Group

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